PT.Garuda Indonesia (Persero)
11 Dec 2013
Seluruh Indonesia
Requirements :
- Male/Female,
- Indonesian citizen (WNI)
- Single, willing not to get married during training period (+/- 12 months)
- Min. holds Bachelor Degree/S1 from reputable University,
- Max. age 27 years old (for bachelor degree/S1) and 30 years old (for Master Degree/S2)
- GPA min. 3.25 for (for bachelor degree/S1) and 3.25 for (master degree/S2) within 4.00 scales.
- Any Major in University are welcome to apply
- TOEFL score min. 500 or TOEIC score min. 600 (validity period for test taken on 2011-2013)
- Having organizational and/or committees experiences
- Willing to be placed/assigned to unit and/or branch office in accordance with company requirement
If you meet the requirements, please register yourself on our career website at
Register Period :
5-31 December 2013